List of Accomplishments 2022-2024
During my first two years on the City Council, I worked with my colleagues to improve our city. At the same time, I took principled stands on items where I disagreed with the majority. Below are some of my accomplishments during the last two years.
Working to Keep the Community Safe
- Public safety is a priority, and in addition to voting for budget increases, I supported our police and fire departments through various activities, such as the Lights On Program, where we gave people vouchers to fix burned-out lights on their vehicles, the Seaside Police Athletic League’s Basketball Banquet, attending the Fire Department mural unveiling, and the Police Department’s swearing-in of new employees. I voted for license plate readers and supported the initiatives started by our Police Chief.
- Fireworks have been a point of contention for the city. I lobbied and succeeded in getting Measure CC on the ballot to ask the voters about the future of firework sales in our city.
- Growing cat and dog populations strain our animal control department, so I worked with stakeholders to adopt a city-wide ordinance to require spay and neutering.
- In addition, I asked the City Council to secure funding for a monthly low-cost SNIP spay and neuter clinic.
Working to Complete the Vision for a Better Seaside
- I advocated for an economic development director. The position was created and filled within six months.
- Economic growth is vital for Seaside, and I have supported the development of Seagrove, Campus Town, and the Grand Hyatt.
- Sports are essential to our community, and I helped to create a strong bond between the City of Seaside and the Monterey Bay Union Football Club. At my urging, the city agreed to raise the Union flag outside city hall and switch to blue lighting when the team wins. I donated tickets to the police and fire departments during first responders’ night. Seaside was featured on the front page of the USL leagues webpage.
- Soccer is important to many youth, and I lobbied Seaside PAL to bring a soccer program to the city. I coached all of the teams.
- Keeping our city attractive is important. I worked with the Neighborhood Improvement Commission and the Parks and Recreation Commission to paint utility boxes throughout the city.
- In addition to advocating funding for parks, I participated in several park clean-ups with the Friends of Seaside Park Association (FOSPA). I successfully advocated for funding for the following parks: Cutino (phase 2), Highland Otis, Sabado, Fernando, Wheeler St tennis courts, Havanna Soliz, and Lincoln-Cunningham Park walkways.
- My additional duties on the City Council included representing the city by serving on the Governance, Transparency, and Labor Relations Cal Cities Committee.
Working to Make City Agencies More Responsive
- Keeping people informed is extremely important, and I published a monthly newsletter to increase communication and engagement among the residents. In my newsletters, I highlighted outstanding city departments and individuals who significantly contributed to the city.
- Timely responses to public requests are essential, so I established the “Respond within 48 hours” policy so no messages get ignored. I have encouraged other council members to do the same.